Drop Two Sizes Read online

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  “I vow that over the next 12 weeks, I will not step foot on a scale or body fat machine. I will not count calories. I will only use my clothing as my measurement. I will fuel my body with the right foods and challenge myself with the workouts. I promise that I will only say nice things to myself throughout the 12 weeks. I will trust this plan.”

  During this plan, if you ever feel lost or discouraged, come back to this vow and repeat it out loud. Remind yourself why you want to drop two sizes, and how hard you’ve already worked to get there. Come back to your mission statement (see below) for an extra push toward success. You can achieve the results you want!

  Tips to Keep Committed


  Find a friend to support you or even join you. Make dates to work out together and keep each other accountable. Swap your favorite goal clothes for extra motivation. Social support is very important. A 1999 study done in Pennsylvania looked at the benefits of increased social support for weight loss and maintenance and determined that those who recruited friends had better results at the end of the 4-month study, along with an increased chance of maintaining their weight loss for the long-term.


  Put a box in your closet or bedroom to start to throw clothes into as they get too big for you. Over the course of the plan, when you pull something out of your closet and realize it is too baggy, toss it into the box. At the end of the 12 weeks you can take the box to Goodwill or another charity.


  Get a journal specifically for this plan and keep track of your daily nutrition, your thoughts, and your workouts. Tracking your progress will keep you motivated and accountable.


  What will drive you to stay focused and on track? When you have a weak moment (and they do happen, as we all know), having a mission statement or mantra can give you a much-needed boost. Part of dropping two sizes and fitting back into your clothes is getting comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling you’ll surely have as you start to change your habits. This saying will get you through those moments.

  You’ll read some of these in the powerful testimonials in this book: “Now is my time”; “Only I can decide to get closer to my goal”; “Nothing tastes as good as two sizes smaller feels”; “Be strong, be fit, be confident”; “The best of me is yet to come”; and “Steady goodness.”

  Nike coined the most famous slogan, “Just Do It!” They make fitness apparel with other inspiring phrases that make my workouts a little more fun and energized. I have T-shirts that say, “Doing It!” and “Strong Is the New Beautiful!” and “I Got Your Woman Power Right Here!”

  Come up with your own and write it down in your journal. Refer to it as many times as you need to throughout this journey!

  “I finally got real. I got honest with myself and realized that if I was going to achieve my goal and get my body back, it would mean saying NO more often and YES to myself. I made my gym time sacred and scheduled. I made a commitment to myself, and I wouldn’t allow anything to derail my workout time.”


  This book is designed as a road map that will guide you through exactly what to do in order to drop two sizes over the next 12 weeks. There are three phases, and in each phase, you’ll find a step-by-step weekly plan, along with the workouts and the menus you’ll need.

  In the following chapters, you’ll learn how to start your journey, including setting up your workout routine, making sure you have the proper equipment, cleaning out your kitchen and stocking up on healthy options, and starting to track your progress in a journal.

  The recommendations on this road map are not randomly chosen. I took careful notes while guiding real people through this exact challenge—so I know what questions you might ask, and when you will need some extra motivation. I have now run dozens of these challenges, each with 20 to 50 people who have all had success following this exact system—just look at some of their amazing success stories to know you’re in good company! In addition, I have had a number of fitness coaches also use this system successfully with their clients. Bottom line: It works! All you need to do is follow the map, and you’ll drop two sizes (at least)—guaranteed.


  Throughout this journey you will see the following checkpoints, which are daily behaviors you will adopt to successfully reach your goal. You may be used to writing down your weight each day or week from a past weight loss program. This time, you’ll write down what you wore that made you feel fabulous, sexy, or great about yourself—much more fun, in my opinion! It might be a new hat or pair of shoes in the beginning, but soon enough you’ll be rocking your slimmest jeans and the rest of your favorite clothes. Every day, choose to wear something that makes you feel good and jot it down in your journal.

  These checkpoints will serve as reminders:

  Attitude Check

  Attitude is everything, especially as you go through the next 12 weeks. Part of the challenge is to teach your mind to work positively. Focus on expecting success and eliminate any negative thinking. This is key to your progress these next 12 weeks. Evidence shows that incorporating mind-set checks along with nutrition and exercise enhances results. Throughout the challenge you will have Attitude Checkpoints to check in with yourself and make sure you are heading in the right direction when it comes to shifting your mind-set.

  Splurge Check

  You can get away with enjoying a splurge 10 percent of the time. If you are eating four to five meals a day, this is equal to three meals a week. For this challenge, make it a goal to plan out your splurges and indulge a maximum of three times a week. If you are following the plan 90 percent of the time, you’ll see results. You must track your food in a journal in order to stay on target. Please don’t rely on your memory!

  Throughout the challenge, you’ll have a Splurge Check when you’ll take inventory of how many splurges on average you have had over the entire challenge up to that point. If you are averaging three a week (maybe you had four one week and two the next), you are in good shape. If you are averaging more than three, it is time to make up that average. If you get too far off the path, all is not lost! Just regroup and get back to the road map as soon as possible.

  Jeans Check

  Every 3 weeks throughout the challenge, you’ll have a Jeans Check. As we’ve discussed, your clothes are truly the best measurement of your transformation. I use jeans as the primary example, but any pair of pants or fitted skirt can also serve as your checkpoint clothing item. The goal is to drop two sizes, so choose something that realistically fits this plan—even if you end up dropping more. No matter how much you may not want to, try on this item of clothing every 3 weeks to keep track of your progress. This is what you might expect:

  Week One: They don’t fit at all, maybe not even over your thighs. (Don’t despair: They will fit soon, I promise!)

  Week Three: They can get over your hips already! And even if you can’t zip or button them, you’re close.

  Week Six: With some force, you can get them zipped! It may not be pretty (or comfortable), but they’re on! This is the halfway point.

  Week Nine: You can probably wear your jeans by now. Depending on your progress, they may still be a bit tight or be very close to comfortable.

  Week Twelve: Slide them on and strut your stuff! You may even need a new pair to show off your figure!

  Water Check

  Throughout the 12 weeks, make it a priority to drink water. Think of water as your fat-burning liquid. Replace all beverages with water if you can, and make it a goal to get a minimum of 64 ounces—or 8 glasses—each day. If you are not hydrated, your body will not perform optimally and you will not get the same results. Water also helps keep your skin glowing.

  Keep in mind that all fluids count, outside of alcohol, so if plain water isn’t your t
hing, you can count green tea, seltzer, or any other beverage toward that 8-glass total. Keep in mind these drinks should be calorie free and, ideally, not artificially sweetened. If you get bored with plain water, add sliced fruit or veggies (cucumber is refreshing) to keep it fun and flavorful.

  De-Stress Check

  Throughout the 12 weeks, another habit you’ll work on is how to take at least 10 minutes each day to de-stress. This is crucial in order to lower the levels of your stress hormone, cortisol, and let your body decompress. High cortisol levels have been linked to high belly fat. You’ll be asking a lot of your body on this plan, and it’s important to give yourself a chance to rest and reboot. This check will remind you to take at least 10 minutes every day to do one of the following (or come up with your own relaxing ritual):

  Close your eyes in silence and practice deep breathing.

  Take a hot bath or sit in the steam room at your gym.

  Stretch or do yoga poses on your own, in silence.

  Get a pedicure, massage, or facial—you deserve it!

  Take a leisurely walk outside, or sit peacefully in a place that relaxes you.

  Veggie Check

  One of the biggest challenges for most people is to eat enough vegetables—and a variety of vegetables. You should eat a fruit or a vegetable at each meal, with a goal in Phase One of including at least three servings of vegetables every day, working up to 10. Check out the nutrition section for easy, delicious recipe ideas for meals and snacks. Remember that a serving size is only about the size of your fist, so a large salad can easily count as three or even four servings. Veggies fill you up and provide valuable nutrients, helping you stay satisfied while slimming down.

  Posture Check

  Don’t slouch. Sit up straight!

  Okay, how many of you just reacted by throwing your shoulders back and sitting or standing at attention? Slouching or slumping over is something we’re all guilty of doing, whether we’re hunched over our computers at work, the steering wheel of a car, or the treadmill at the gym. Good posture doesn’t just make you look taller and more confident; it helps strengthen your postural muscles, which support a straight, slim figure. Throughout the challenge, you’ll have a Posture Check. As you build up strength, good posture will come more naturally.

  Brake Check

  As you continue through the plan, you’ll start to improve other aspects of your life—maybe you’ll gain more energy, have deeper sleep, experience reduced joint pain, or even enjoy a more fulfilling sex life! But as you step on the accelerator toward these goals, you may feel your progress suddenly halted by one of three main areas I call the brakes: nutrition, exercise, or your attitude. It’s extremely personal, and only you will know which one you’ll struggle with the most.

  Be aware of which one (or combination) puts the brakes on your progress. For example, are you constantly missing workouts? Are you slipping on your nutrition? Or do you continually put yourself down no matter how well you’ve followed the plan? Record these speed bumps in your journal and make a conscious effort to push past them.

  Sleep Check

  Getting enough sleep seems to be the biggest challenge for many people. The common recommendation of 8 hours per night holds true, although some people will need slightly more or less. Without enough sleep, your energy levels will plummet, so you’ll tend to crave sugar (which further affects your energy levels and mood), and you won’t be able to optimally perform during your workouts or recover from them properly.

  When you sleep, your body regenerates and rebuilds. You are asking a lot of your body over the next 12 weeks, so reward yourself by making a restful night’s sleep a priority! Your Sleep Checks are there to remind you to set yourself up for beneficial z’s.

  “It is really easy to become lazy and to forget what it really feels like to be strong and healthy. If there is something that you want to change about yourself, don’t wait another minute. You might need to make major life changes to get healthy, figure out how to do it, and find someone to support and encourage you. I have learned that women can be really strong and look amazing!”


  The exercise plan laid out in this book is based on the exact programs we use at Results Fitness. I worked closely with Mike Wunsch, CSCS, and Craig Rasmussen, CSCS, to design and deliver the most effective plan possible—which you now hold in your hands! Between the three of us, we have written thousands of programs, trained hundreds of women every year, and tracked every result. This plan is based on what works.

  Before you jump into the workouts, make sure you have everything you need to succeed.

  Should You Join a Gym?

  If there is a gym in your area that is convenient, affordable, and has the equipment and/or classes you need, by all means, join! It’s worth the investment to have a place to go to escape the distractions at home to do your workout, especially if the environment is friendly and supportive.

  What should you look for? You don’t need rooms full of equipment to sit on. Make sure the gym has the following:

  Dumbbells and/or kettlebells

  A cable system with adjustable height settings

  A TRX suspension trainer

  A bench and/or a step

  A mat

  A foam roller, lacrosse ball, or The Stick to massage your muscles. These tools work great to give your muscles a quick massage without having to fork out the big bucks for a masseuse.

  You’ll usually find most of this in a corner where the trainers spend most of their time with their clients. It’s a bonus if you have access to barbells, plates, and a power rack, which most gyms should have.

  In addition, you may want to purchase one or two kettlebells or pairs of dumbbells so you can do your metabolic workouts at home if you are in a time crunch and can’t make it to the gym on certain days.

  Set Up a Home Gym

  If you prefer to set up a gym at home, you’ll need to make sure you have the right equipment on hand to do the workouts properly. You’ll need all of the equipment listed to the left except the cable system—you can use bands instead. You can find all of the below at www.performbetter.com .

  Get a pair of dumbbells that weigh at least as much as your purse. They will likely be around 8 to 12 pounds. Then purchase the next two pairs up from that (for example, 15 and 20 pounds). Another great option is to get a set of Powerblocks, which give you a whole range of dumbbells to use but don’t take up much space.

  I recommend also getting one kettlebell that is about twice the weight of your purse.

  Purchase three different strengths of bands. This will be your at-home cable system.

  Purchase a TRX suspension trainer along with a door anchor, which you can find at www.trxtraining.com. This one piece of equipment will allow you to do many exercises.

  A bench or a step. You may be able to use a stair step in your home, or a footstool. Make sure it is sturdy and can handle all of your body weight.

  A yoga mat or a thick towel.

  A foam roller, lacrosse ball, or The Stick.

  It’s also a good idea to devote an area of your home exclusively to exercising—whether it’s in your garage, basement, or spare bedroom. If you live in a small apartment or have limited free space, consider purchasing a special basket or storage box that you can tuck under your bed or behind a couch when you’re not working out.

  Now you are ready to hit the gym—time to train!

  The Workout Calendar

  The following is the entire 12-week workout plan. Don’t get overwhelmed! It’s laid out here to make sure you can plan ahead and make time for all of the workouts, to achieve the best possible results. There’s no need to second-guess or worry about which workouts to do—we’ve designed and honed this system to be effective. All you need to do is commit to taking it one day at a time.

  If you miss a day or get off track, just pick up where you left off. Don’t try to add or do extra. Simply do the workout you
are supposed to do that day and get back on track. The plan calls for you to perform a strength workout every other day and one metabolic workout on Saturday. If this schedule doesn’t fit with what works best for you, rearrange the days so it does.


  Do your best to take a day off between strength workouts. You can do two strength workouts back-to-back, if you have to, but never do three.

  Make the strength workouts your priority. If you absolutely must miss a workout, miss the metabolic or the intervals.

  Get Moving RAMP

  This program includes a very specific warmup. Below, Craig Rasmussen explains why it is so important.

  Most people who embark on an exercise regimen understand that they should do some type of warmup to start the session. But many people don’t think it is all that important. If they’re going to skip something in their workouts, the warmup is what they tend to skip. This is a mistake. Studies have shown that warming up and stretching improve physical performance and prevent injuries, especially a warmup that increases your body temperature and uses similar movements to the main workout activities. The Get Moving RAMP workout serves as your warmup and is extremely important. Don’t skip it!

  Traditional old-school warmups (such as walking on a treadmill or riding on an exercise bike) target the cardiovascular system and the lower body in only one plane of motion and in a very small range of motion. This does warm you up in one sense, but it is not nearly as productive as it could be, and it is pretty boring, to say the least. We can do much better! To properly prepare for an intense exercise session, we need to prepare the entire body in multiple planes of motion.